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My name is Honey Mae Magto-Nettle, MSN, RN, PMHNP-Ed. I am the Co-Chair of the Education Committee for the PNA North Houston, Inc.

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My Story

I was born in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. I graduated from Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan. I have 22 years (MEDsurg pediatrics NICU, OB, ER, school nurse, Psychiatry Dialysis PERIOPnurse) of experience. I work at Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital as a PACU Weekend Team Lead; AOD PM Charge (on weekdays).


What do you love about the profession of nursing?

Making a Difference in people's lives, even with just a simple smile and a small act of compassion and kindness in a very short period of time -- if you see people smile a little bit, I know that I made a difference.


Why do you belong to an association like the PNANH? 

PNANH vastly helped me grow, personally and professionally.  Aside from the clinical ladder reasons, I consider myself an introvert. In my head, I want to get out from my cocoon and spread my wings and go beyond my comfort zone, but my fear and anxiety hindering me big time from doing so. With PNANH, it desensitized me from such... It gave me confidence, courage, and determination to be social and learn more to be myself.  


Who has impacted you and why (professional or personal or both)? 

Both from my MOM (Cornelia Yandug Abao-Magto) who is also a nurse.


What makes you get up and do something every day?

My family enacts or takes action on the purpose of what God has guided and provided me with, the oath I made to myself when I became a nurse-- to help and serve everyone ( sick and well, old or young, sane or insane).


What do you do for fun?

Sewing, Drawing, doing crafts, collecting weird stuff for crafting, I dance, I also sing, being silly, and sometimes just arguing for the sake of arguing with my husband (to make our marriage spicy, not just sweet and salty) LMAO!


Where and what do you want to be in 3 years?

I'd still probably going to be here in the Americas as a nurse with my husband and kids. I don't want to be a grandma yet - and I am sure and will make sure that it won't happen in 3 years.


Anything that you want to share that about you, family, pets, etc. that may surprise others.

I have lots of stuff that I want to achieve in life, but here's some for me to share in public: I am applying to become an Air Force Nurse; my application is still in the process, and I'm working on my waistline to make it smaller for me to be accepted at the very least (so far that's what I've been told).  I am working on getting my certifications for my profession (CPAN, CAPA, etc.). I don't like worms for reals. I'm allergic to alcohol-- it gives me rashes, but I still drink it once in a Blue Moon with Benadryl on the side. I am very in love with my husband, and I don't really know why. My family and I have two new dogs named DUKE and DAISY, and we are all hoping that they will fill the empty spot in our lives (even just a little bit) when our first family dog (Lucy girl) crossed the rainbow last year. I have a soft spot for the homeless and veterans. I secretly hand them little stuff like hand-sewn masks, food, water, clothes, etc., especially during the summer and winter seasons. My husband and I tried for about five years to get pregnant naturally with superduper intimacy ... But to no success! So...I am currently on fertility treatment-- my husband and I wanted to have a baby girl; just one last before we get way too old, and we don't want regrets later on such issues like we could have done this and that and more (Ate Mila, maybe just share that we want to have one more child ... I think this is a sensitive topic for my husband and he’d probably disagree with me to share this).  My oldest son (Zach) will be turning 18 years old very soon (in a few days) and has decided to enter the military world to achieve his dream of becoming a PharmD. I really don't like his decision, but I have to support him with his decision in any way possible. My husband always reminded me that he is no longer a baby, that he’s already a “man,”; an adult (I am literally screaming in my head that I still see him as my baby!!!). Anyways, Zach does not want to get a loan and be in debt, and he does not want us (his parents) to work more to pay for his college. With the airforce, tuition will be covered and for free. I just hope and pray for his safety, give us strength and courage, and trust in Him above that my son will be just A-OK and succeed with this military and PharmD journey/s. There are still many things I can share about me, myself, and Honey. But I’ll just stop from here, or else it will take me years and years to finish. LoL! (Signing out, peace!)


What does Bold and Unstoppable mean to you?

For me, being bold and unstoppable means going above and beyond; challenging myself to explore more for what the nursing world can offer to serve and provide the community with the utmost care that we can; pushing myself to the limits, and carefully dragging everyone with me to improve the human race with God’s grace and guidance ---  ignite the fire from within, myself, for my family, for my fellow nurses, and to the universe.


Always looking to connect.

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